Saturday, November 12, 2011

Looking for guns (in alllll the wrong places)

On my hunts for random blasters on the internet and IRL, I've noticed them being in slightly odd places/stores you wouldn't expect. How so? well check these out a bit.

Cabela's doesn't have Nerf, but they seem to have an abundance of the new BuzzBee blasters, and a lot of other 3rd party things.

Dollar General DOES have Nerf, but it's pretty damn expensive sometimes. It's not on their website, but there are Mavs, Nitefinders, and Reflexes at mine. they also have BuzzBees, but only Double Shots, Tommy 12s, and refill bags it seems. 
They also have a brand of pop-ish blasters, dunno how good those are, but they advertise 40 feet or so.

Jerm on Nerf Mods and Reviews apparently found some Nerf at Best Buy, but only Mavs, 'Cades, and Vortexes.

They do have sorta role-playish blasters and swords on Lego's site, and some they used to have were recasts of BuzzBees, including the (slightly) coveted Big Blast, but the site is working like shit for me, so I can't give a link.

If you know of any other weird places to find swag, please tell me so I can add them to this.

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